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We don’t think it matters what industry you are in or how much you spend with Apogee.  Essentially, any business which entered into a contract with Apogee may have been affected.  “Imageflex” contracts are of particular concern.

We believe the issue is widespread amongst Apogee customers.  But the methods of overcharging are relatively sophisticated and difficult to spot.  The deception is unlikely to be obvious on the face of the documents in place between your business and Apogee.  It is likely that you will need to see Apogee’s internal documents to understand the overcharging. 

We know which documents to look for and can help you obtain the necessary paperwork from Apogee. 

Please get in touch with us and we can help your business navigate the position.  First we will evaluate your contractual position with Apogee and with Milberg determine if you are affected.  We can then consider with you how to best extract yourself from the current arrangements. 

Finally, we recommend that you join the group action and work with us and other similarly affected businesses to bring a legal claim against Apogee.

Yes, we can review your old contracts and see if you were overcharged.  If you were you can join the group action and seek compensation for historic overpayments.

Milberg London will act for members of the Group Action under a Damages Based Agreement.  These are regulated fee agreements under which Milberg receives no payment upfront and receives a fixed percentage of any damages recovered.   All the costs of the litigation, such as court fees and barristers fees will be met by Milberg in exchange for their fixed share of the damages if the claim is successful.   Unlike most arrangements with solicitors, the risk of the claim running up costs or dragging out sits with the lawyers and the business can plan its finances with precision with the costs being tied to the result.

Apogee Action Group will receive a referral fee from Milberg for businesses that it introduces to the Group Action. The fee sharing agreement does not affect the terms a client signs up to when they instruct Milberg London. The referral fee that Milberg London pays Apogee Action Group will not be passed onto the client.

The Action Group will help you with minimal time investment to identify the necessary evidence and paperwork to see whether or not you have been affected.

If you have been affected and you decide to participate in the litigation, the conduct of the claim will be managed by a steering committee of businesses drawn from the Action Group’s members.

You will be kept up to date with progress on the case periodically but your day to-day involvement will be negligible.